
How-To use small convert on Binance TH


The small convert feature on Binance TH by Gulf Binance simplifies the process of converting cryptocurrencies, especially for handling small amounts. To convert your currencies hassle-free, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Logging In and Accessing My wallet

Log in to your Binance TH account via Website or Application, then navigate to the [My Wallet] section from the [Home] page, then click to [Convert Small Balance to BNB] on the left side. This will allow you to easily convert any small balances into BNB.




Step 2: Selecting the token for small convert

Choose the specific token you wish to convert. After selecting, click the [Convert] button to proceed. Or you can click [Coin] to select all assets at once.



Please note:

  1. Minimum Balance: The single asset balance must be less than 0.0012 BTC to qualify for conversion.

  2. Usage Limit: Each user can only use the Small Convert feature once every six hours. Keep these tips in mind for a smooth conversion experience.

Step 3: Reviewing Conversion Details

Review the conversion details to check the current amount of cryptocurrency you will receive , then click [Confirm] to proceed with the transaction. This final step will complete your cryptocurrency conversion.

Please note:

The BNB amount you receive may not reflect the actual market price of the assets converted and the actual amount you receive may vary slightly due to the time difference during the conversion.



Step 4: Check small conversion history

To check your conversion history, click [Transaction History], then click [Small Convert].

