How to Complete Identity Verification [KYC]


How to Complete Identity Verification

Where can I get my account verified on the Binance TH  Website and App?

You can access identity verification from 

On Website

  1. Log in to your Binance TH account and click [Profile] - [Identification]

  1. Click on the [Verify]

  1. Alternatively, scan QR Code to download Binance TH App. Complete KYC verification in the App on the pop-up window

On Application

  1. Log in to your Binance TH account and click [Profile] - [Unverified] or click on [Verify Identity] floating button on the main page. When you reach the screen, you'll be asked to confirm the verification click [Verify] to continue

2. After verifying and declaring your status as a U.S. or non-U.S. person, click [Continue] and check the Declaration status box. 

3. Follow the instructions to photograph your document. Your photos should clearly show the entire ID document. You have to take photos of the front and back of your ID card Click [Continue]. Please ensure that the face photo on your ID card is clearly visible. If something is unclear, choose [Retake]. Otherwise, proceed by selecting [Confirm].

Note: Please enable camera access on your device.

4. Check your ID card information to ensure it is correct. Both Thai and English Please ensure that all information provided corresponds with your identity document. Once confirmed, you cannot make changes. Then click [Continue].

5. After filling your personal information, the system will ask you to do a liveness check. Center your face in the frame and follow the instructions to complete it. Please make sure your whole face is clearly visible, centered, and your eyes are open. Do not wear hats, glasses, or use filters, and make sure that the lighting is sufficient.

* Do not close or refresh the application during the process.

 * You may attempt to complete the identity verification process up to 5 times per day. If your application has been denied 5 times within 24 hours, please wait 24 hours to try again.

6. Next, you need to accept Terms and Conditions

7. Verification by ThaID or National Digital ID (NDID)  method for opening account

7.1 Digital Identity Verification by ThaID App

Before you click [Continue with ThaID], you're required to install the ThaID app, and register an account with ThaID first. Then, return to Binance TH app, click [Yes,Installed and [Continue with ThaID] for the verification via ThaID. 

Note: You'll receive a notification of the request to proceed on the ThaID app or you may check the request on Menu [History] on ThaID app.

FAQ: How to complete Digital ID via ThaID

7.2 Digital Identity Verification by NDID

Note: Please process within 1 hour with the NDID service on mobile banking and 24 hours with the NDID service by Dip Chip verification at AIS or Telewiz Shop

Example: verify account with NDID service on mobile banking

Example: verify account with NDID service by Dip Chip verification at AIS or Telewiz Shop

8. Provide additional information i.e. occupation, income range, working address,  purpose of using the account to support profile evaluation process.

9. Next, complete onboarding testing process; Suitability Test and Knowledge Test

10. After completing the process, please wait patiently. Binance TH will review your data in a timely manner. Once your application has been verified, we will send you an email notification.

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