Can I make transactions without complete KYC ?


Can I make transactions without complete KYC ?

KYC is an acronym for “know your customer”, or “know your client”. It refers to the verification of a customer's identity, typically by a financial institution. Identity verification requires information that can be used to–of course–verify your identity, like a valid ID card

Customers are typically required to submit identity verification documents during account opening and at times, when there has been a change in the user's personal information. For example, if you officially change your name a few months after creating your account, you will be required to update your personal information. 

If you do not complete the KYC process, you may not be able to access all the features on a cryptocurrency exchange. For example, Binance.TH allows customers to create accounts, use basic functions and perform limited transactions without submitting KYC information. In order to gain full access and increase higher deposits and withdrawal limits, customers will need to complete the KYC verification process. 

Binance.TH users must complete these checks if they want to trade crypto, deposit and withdraw funds